Conferences & Lectures
Conference "Experiencing Rhythm"
21 - 24 February 2017, Freiburg, Germany Organized by Prof. Dr. Hermann Herlinghaus & Prof. Dr. Stefan Pfänder
Conference "Rhythm and Sound in Performative Practices and Psychotherapy"
1.-3. February 2018, FRIAS (Main seminar room, Ground Floor), Freiburg, Germany Organized by Prof. Dr. Michael Buchholz & Prof. Dr. Stefan Pfänder
Lecture series "Body, Mind and Soul"
October 2017-February 2018, April-July 2018
Organized by Prof. Dr. Claas Lahmann & Prof. Dr. Carl Scheidt
Conference "20. Herbstakademie. Synchronization in Embodied Interaction"
28. February - 2. March 2019, Freiburg, Germany Organized by Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Tschacher, Prof. Dr. Carl Scheidt & Prof. Dr. Stefan Pfänder
Workshops & Data Sessions
The Musical Flow of Tensions in Clinical Interaction. A Different Kind of Attention
3 - 4 November 2017, Freiburg, Germany
Prof. Dr. Steven Knoblauch
Organized by Prof. Dr. Michael Buchholz & Prof. Dr. Stefan Pfänder
Lateinamerikanische Rhythmen. Perkussion, Improvisation und kulturelle Differenz
1 - 3 December 2017, Freiburg, Germany
Agonalidad en interacción - Procesos de sincronización y desincronización en conversaciones, discursos y lenguas en contacto
May 2018, Freiburg, Germany Organized by Prof. Dr. Hermann Herlinghaus & Prof. Dr. Stefan Pfänder